Pricing & Services

dental Service cost
Dental Crowns

Metal Free Crowns Treatment Costs

A dental crown is a cap that is almost tooth-shaped, and is placed over a tooth to cover the damaged or crooked tooth to restore its shape, appearance, and function. A dental crown may be needed to protect a weak tooth, to restore a broken tooth, to cover a dental implant, etc. There are different types of crowns available in the market, metal dental crowns and metal-free dental crowns. But, which one to choose? Which suits best for everyone?

Well, metal-free crowns are the best solution available today. They are translucent and appear natural in appearance. However, there are metal crowns also available in the market, which have a metal base coated that provides good strength and durability. But, they have a little drawback a black metal line could be seen along the border of the crown. It is also very difficult to achieve the translucency of our natural teeth with a restoration that has a metal framework. Plus, light also does not pass through these metal crowns as it does through natural teeth. Research has shown over the years mixed metal in the mouth combined with saliva and its acidic content can produce measurable voltages in the oral cavity.

The Price will start from Rs:6K (USD 72)

2 appointments in 5 days

Root Canal

Root Canal Prices in Gurgaon

When there is decay in the tooth, the bacteria and other fragments build up and hence result in infection between the spaces of the teeth, which is termed a root canal. The treatment of a root canal is defined as the process that focuses on saving a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. It helps to save the tooth and avoid the chances of spreading the infection. The technique used during the treatment is very simple. The dentist removes the nerve and pulp that is decayed from the inside of the teeth before performing the cleaning and sealing process.

The Price will start from Rs:6K (USD 72)

Time- can be a single appointment of 60mins or 2 smaller appointment

Root canal Dental service pricing
Scaling Treatment

Cost of Teeth Scaling in Gurgaon

Dental cleaning is used to clean deposits of plaque and tartar that have been deposited over time and prevent the advancement of gum disease. This technique is used to remove the grey, yellow, and brown colored plaque and tartar that is deposited on the teeth near the gums and can result in major gum diseases.

The Price will start from Rs:2500(USD 30)

Time required- 30 to 40 mins

Smile Makeover

Treatment for Smile Makeover Prices

Porcelain Laminates

Porcelain laminates or porcelain veneers are commonly known as dental veneers. They are a lifelike material that creates a smile that is natural-looking. They are usually wafer-thin, customized shells of material that are the same as the color of the tooth specially designed and made to cover the front teeth surface to improve the smile and appearance of the people. These shells are mostly bonded to the front teeth as per the color, size, and structure.

The Price will start from Rs:12K (USD 145)

Time – 2 to 3 appointments required each of 60 to 120mins

Smile Makeover
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation Treatment Charges

One of the most wonderful parts of dentistry is the ability to change. Although it has many advantages for the patient for the providers, it is a challenge to understand the needs of the patient and act accordingly. Full mouth rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction are used interchangeably to describe the technique of reconstruction for all the teeth in your mouth. This process involves procedures like crowns, implants, bridges, and dental veneers and can be incorporated by dental specialists like periodontists who specialize in gum-related problems, orthodontists who specialize in tooth movements and positions, and endodontists who specialize in tooth pulp.

Cost- customized for the patient depending on requirements

Time- 3 to 4 visits of 60 mins to 2 hrs

Dental Implants

Dental Implants Cost in Gurgaon

Dental implants are a boon to people who are without teeth. With the advancement in technology, it is easy to implant a tooth in just three days. This procedure is much more reliable than other traditional implants that take a long time.

Advantages of the Immediate Loading Basal Dental Implants

  1. The prosthesis (crown) is fixed within 72 hours of implant surgery which helps in saving time and costs extensively as compared to the traditional method of dental implants that involves 6 months to 1 year.
  2. Basal implants eliminate the need for a second surgery that is used to fix the support.
  3. Basal implants can be successful in the case of smokers and diabetic patients.

The Price will start from Rs: 20K (USD 240)

3 visits one surgical and 2 non-surgical

Dental Implants
Gum Depigmentation

Gum Depigmentation in Gurgaon

Gum depigmentation commonly known as gum bleaching is a technique that is used in cosmetic dentistry to get rid of black spots or patches that develop on the gums because of excessive melanin. Black spots on the gums are a cosmetic problem. The discoloration of gums can occur due to the intake of several medicines for a long time. An assessment is carried out to infer the cause behind the discoloration and treatment offered to the patient. The techniques used are surgical, chemical, or laser ablation techniques.

Cost – 7000 per quadrant

Time – single visit of 60 to 90 mins

Direct Restoration

Direct Restoration Treatment Costs

What is a Direct Restoration? A Direct Restoration is also called a filling. It is the repair of a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring it to its normal shape, appearance, and function.

The Price will start from Rs:1500 (USD 18)

Time- 40 to 60 mins

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